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Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

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PRELID2 (PRELI domain containing 2) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
PRELID2 (PRELI domain containing 2) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-PRELID2 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53440_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

GEFT (RhoA/RAC/CDC42 exchange factor) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
GEFT (RhoA/RAC/CDC42 exchange factor) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-GEFT antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53438_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

TCTE1 (t-complex-associated-testis-expressed 1) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
TCTE1 (t-complex-associated-testis-expressed 1) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-TCTE1 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53433_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

THAP5 (THAP domain containing 5) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
THAP5 (THAP domain containing 5) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-THAP5 ? antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53431_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

C13orf30 (chromosome 13 open reading frame 30) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of C13orf30)(100ug)
C13orf30 (chromosome 13 open reading frame 30) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of C13orf30)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-C13orf30 Antibody(ARP53425_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

1110059E24Rik (RIKEN cDNA 1110059E24 gene ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of 1110059E24Rik)(100ug)
1110059E24Rik (RIKEN cDNA 1110059E24 gene ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of 1110059E24Rik)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-1110059E24Rik Antibody (ARP53424_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

Mterfd2 (MTERF domain containing 2 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of Mterfd2)(100ug)
Mterfd2 (MTERF domain containing 2 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of Mterfd2)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Mterfd2 Antibody (ARP53422_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

CCDC38 (coiled-coil domain containing 38) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of protein) (100ug)
CCDC38 (coiled-coil domain containing 38) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of protein) (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CCDC38 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53418_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

OLFML2A (olfactomedin-like 2A) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of protein) (100ug)
OLFML2A (olfactomedin-like 2A) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of protein) (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-OLFML2A antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53415_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

AASDH (aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of protein) (100ug)
AASDH (aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of protein) (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-AASDH antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53414_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

LCA5 (Leber congenital amaurosis 5) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
LCA5 (Leber congenital amaurosis 5) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-LCA5 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53410_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

Ubxn2a (UBX domain protein 2A ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of Ubxn2a)(100ug)
Ubxn2a (UBX domain protein 2A ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of Ubxn2a)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Ubxn2a Antibody (ARP53408_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

Grasp (GRP1 (general receptor for phosphoinositides 1)-associated scaffold protein ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of Grasp)(100ug)
Grasp (GRP1 (general receptor for phosphoinositides 1)-associated scaffold protein ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of Grasp)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Grasp Antibody (ARP53407_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

FAM101A (family with sequence similarity 101, member A) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
FAM101A (family with sequence similarity 101, member A) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-FAM101A antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53404_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

C17ORF64 Blocking Peptide (the middle region of protein) (100ug)
C17ORF64 Blocking Peptide (the middle region of protein) (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-C17orf64 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53402_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

DPH4 Blocking Peptide (100ug)
DPH4 Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-DPH4 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53399_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

CCDC67 (coiled-coil domain containing 67) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
CCDC67 (coiled-coil domain containing 67) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CCDC67 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53397_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may...

MFSD4 (major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
MFSD4 (major facilitator superfamily domain containing 4) Blocking Peptide (100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-MFSD4 antibody (Catalogue #: ARP53395_P050) made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block...

ABHD12B (abhydrolase domain containing 12B ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of ABHD12B)(100ug)
ABHD12B (abhydrolase domain containing 12B ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of ABHD12B)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-ABHD12B Antibody (ARP53392_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

MRPL55 (mitochondrial ribosomal protein L55 ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of MRPL55)(100ug)
MRPL55 (mitochondrial ribosomal protein L55 ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of MRPL55)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-MRPL55 Antibody (ARP53389_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...