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Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

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HLA-DRB3 (major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 3 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of HLA-DRB3)(100ug)
HLA-DRB3 (major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 3 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of HLA-DRB3)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-HLA-DRB3 Antibody (ARP63521_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

CCR10 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 10 ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of CCR10)(100ug)
CCR10 (chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 10 ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of CCR10)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CCR10 Antibody (ARP63519_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

Reg1 (regenerating islet-derived 1 ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of Reg1)(100ug)
Reg1 (regenerating islet-derived 1 ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of Reg1)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Reg1 Antibody (ARP63516_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

REG1A (regenerating islet-derived 1 alpha ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of REG1A)(100ug)
REG1A (regenerating islet-derived 1 alpha ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of REG1A)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-REG1A Antibody (ARP63515_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

SLC19A2 (solute carrier family 19 (thiamine transporter), member 2 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of SLC19A2)(100ug)
SLC19A2 (solute carrier family 19 (thiamine transporter), member 2 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of SLC19A2)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-SLC19A2 Antibody (ARP63507_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

Dlg3 (discs, large homolog 3 (Drosophila) ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of Dlg3)(100ug)
Dlg3 (discs, large homolog 3 (Drosophila) ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of Dlg3)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Dlg3 Antibody (ARP63505_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

Abi3 (ABI gene family, member 3 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of Abi3)(100ug)
Abi3 (ABI gene family, member 3 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of Abi3)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Abi3 Antibody (ARP63503_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

CD207 (CD207 molecule, langerin ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CD207)(100ug)
CD207 (CD207 molecule, langerin ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CD207)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CD207 Antibody (ARP63502_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

CD151 (CD151 molecule (Raph blood group)) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CD151)(100ug)
CD151 (CD151 molecule (Raph blood group)) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CD151)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CD151 Antibody (ARP63500_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

WASL (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of WASL)(100ug)
WASL (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of WASL)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-WASL Antibody (ARP63498_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

CSF2RB (colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage) ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CSF2RB)(100ug)
CSF2RB (colony stimulating factor 2 receptor, beta, low-affinity (granulocyte-macrophage) ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CSF2RB)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CSF2RB Antibody (ARP63494_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

Il15ra (interleukin 15 receptor, alpha chain ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of Il15ra)(100ug)
Il15ra (interleukin 15 receptor, alpha chain ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of Il15ra)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-Il15ra Antibody (ARP63493_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

EXO1 (exonuclease 1 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of EXO1)(100ug)
EXO1 (exonuclease 1 ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of EXO1)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-EXO1 Antibody (ARP63489_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

EXO1 (exonuclease 1 ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of EXO1)(100ug)
EXO1 (exonuclease 1 ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of EXO1)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-EXO1 Antibody (ARP63488_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

CNR2 (cannabinoid receptor 2 (macrophage) ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CNR2)(100ug)
CNR2 (cannabinoid receptor 2 (macrophage) ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of CNR2)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-CNR2 Antibody (ARP63486_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

MCAM (melanoma cell adhesion molecule ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of MCAM)(100ug)
MCAM (melanoma cell adhesion molecule ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of MCAM)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-MCAM Antibody (ARP63483_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

BAG1 (BCL2-associated athanogene ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of BAG1)(100ug)
BAG1 (BCL2-associated athanogene ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of BAG1)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-BAG1 Antibody (ARP63477_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

TSN (translin ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of TSN)(100ug)
TSN (translin ) Blocking Peptide (the middle region of TSN)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-TSN Antibody (ARP63474_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

FYB (FYN binding protein ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of FYB)(100ug)
FYB (FYN binding protein ) Blocking Peptide (the C terminal of FYB)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-FYB Antibody (ARP63470_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...

FYB (FYN binding protein ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of FYB)(100ug)
FYB (FYN binding protein ) Blocking Peptide (the N terminal of FYB)(100ug)
Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated

This is a synthetic peptide designed for use in combination with anti-FYB Antibody (ARP63469_P050), made by Aviva Systems Biology. It may block above...