The quinolones are antimicrobial agents that inhibit the activity of DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV (26). The fluoroquinolones are divided into 2 groups,...
Hydromorphone is a semi-synthetic opioid agonist and a hydrogenated ketone of morphine(9). It is about 8 times more potent than morphine and since it was...
Corticosteroids are a group of natural and synthetic analogues of the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. These include glucocorticoids, such as...
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, usually abbreviated to NSAIDs or NAIDs , are drugs with analgesic, antipyretic and, in higher doses, anti-inflammatory...
The stilbene derivatives diethylstilbestrol (DES), dienestrol and hexestrol are synthetic oestrogens that have been demonstrated to be genotoxic and...
Progesterone is used primarily as a growth promotant in cattle in combinations with estradiol or its esters. When administered exogenously, progesterone...
The quinoxaline-1,4-dioxide compound carbadox is used in pigs as a growth-promoting agent for the improvement of weight gain and feed efficiency. It is also...
Zeranol is a synthetic non-steroidal anabolic agent, with oestrogenic activity. The main metabolites of zeranol in mammals are zeralanone and taleranol....
beta -agonists are compounds having a stimulatory effect on beta -adrenergic receptors and are used in human and veterinary medicine as bronchodilatory...
beta -agonists are compounds having a stimulatory effect on beta -adrenergic receptors and are used in human and veterinary medicine as bronchodilatory...