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Virginiamycin M-HRP

Virginiamycin M-HRP

Cat no: HRP9223

Supplier: Randox Life Sciences
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Streptogramins are a class of bacteriocidal antibiotics. They are a combination of quinupristin and dalfopristin in a 30:70 ratio. The interaction of these components is greater than the individual reactions. Quinupristin prevents elongation of the 50S ribosomal subunit while dalfopristin changes the structure of the 50S subunit to promote more favourable binding with quinupristin in a synergistic reaction, effectively inhibiting protein synthesis. Virginiamycin is an antibiotic similar to pristinamycin. It is used to prevent microbial contamination in fuel ethanol industries which act as an alternative to traditional oil based fuel sources.
Catalogue number: HRP9223
Hosts: Sheep
Size: 0.5ml
Format: The conjugate is supplied as a concentrate. Dilute as required and use working strength conjugate immediately after dilution
P type: HRP Tracer
Alternative names: Sonata; Starnoc
Additional info: Each conjugate comprises antigen covalently bound to horseradish peroxide and is suitable as a tracer in immunoassay development.