CD104 represents the integrin beta4 subunit that associates non-covalently with integrin alpha6 (CD49f) to form the alpha6beta4 integrin heterodimer.2, 3 The alpha6beta4 complex is expressed on the basal surface of a variety of epithelial cell types, particularly on stratified squamous epithelia. It is also found in peripheral nerves, in certain subsets of endothelial cells, and on immature thymocytes, and has been found to be associated with a number of malignant tissues.3-5, 6 Hemidesmosomal alpha6beta4 plays an important role in the adhesion of epithelial cells to basement membranes via interactions with laminin and/or kalinin anchoring filaments.7 It is not known if the monoclonal antibody 346-11A can block this adhesion.