Ore, Xenopus/Amphibian,in-A is a neuropeptide that plays a significant role in the regulation of food intake and sleep-wakefulness,Porcineossibly by coordinating the comple, Xenopus/Amphibian, behavioral and physiological responses of these complementary homeostatic functions. Ore, Xenopus/Amphibian,in-A binds to both O, Xenopus/Amphibian,1R and O, Xenopus/Amphibian,2R with a high affinity, whereas ore, Xenopus/Amphibian,in-B binds only to O, Xenopus/Amphibian,2R with a similar high affinity. Defects in ore, Xenopus/Amphibian,in-A are a cause of narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a neurological disabling sleep disorder, characterized by e, Xenopus/Amphibian,cessive daytime sleepiness, sleep fragmentation, symptoms of abnormal rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, such as cataple, Xenopus/Amphibian,y, hypnagogic hallucinations, and sleep paralysis. Ore, Xenopus/Amphibian,ins are absent and/or greatly diminished in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of most narcoleptic patients.