NT5E (CD73 (Cluster of Differentiation 73)) is an ecto-5'-nucleotidase. NT5E catalyzes the conversion at neutral pH of purine 5-prime mononucleotides to nucleosides, the preferred substrate being AMP. The enzyme consists of a dimer of 2 identical 70-kD subunits bound by a glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol linkage to the e, Xenopus/Amphibian,ternal face of the plasma membrane. The enzyme is used as a marker of lymphocyte differentiation. Consequently, a deficiency of NT5 occurs in a variety of immunodeficiency diseases. Other forms of 5-prime nucleotidase e, Xenopus/Amphibian,ist in the cytoplasm and lysosomes and can be distinguished from ecto-NT5 by their substrate affinities, requirement for divalent magnesium ion, activation by ATP, and inhibition by inorganic phosphate.