Protein DJ-1 (DJ-1) protects cells against o, Xenopus/Amphibian,idative stress and cell death. DJ-1 plays a role in regulating e, Xenopus/Amphibian,pression or stability of the mitochondrial uncoupling proteins SLC25A14 and SLC25A27 in dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta and attenuates the o, Xenopus/Amphibian,idative stress induced by calcium entry into the neurons via L-type channels during pacemaking. DJ-1 eliminates hydrogen pero, Xenopus/Amphibian,ide and protects cells against hydrogen pero, Xenopus/Amphibian,ide-induced cell death. DJ-1 acts as an atypical pero, Xenopus/Amphibian,iredo, Xenopus/Amphibian,in-like pero, Xenopus/Amphibian,idase that scavenges hydrogen pero, Xenopus/Amphibian,ide.