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BMP 7 Antibody (OOPA00051)

BMP 7 Antibody (OOPA00051)

Supplier: Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated
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Product Introduction: The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are a family of secreted signaling molecules that can induce ectopic bone growth. Many BMPs are part of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGFB) superfamily. BMPs were originally identified by an ability of demineralized bone extract to induce endochondral osteogenesis in vivo in an extraskeletal site. Based on its expression early in embryogenesis, the BMP encoded by this gene has a proposed role in early development. In addition, the fact that this BMP is closely related to BMP5 and BMP7 has lead to speculation of possible bone inductive activity.
Product Description: Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 Human Recombinant produced in Plant is a monomeric, glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 144 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 16.5kDa, and fused to a 6xHis-tag at the N-terminus. The BMP-7 is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.
Presku: OOPA00051
Size: 2ug
Format: Sterile Filtered White lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder.
Alternative names: Osteogenic Protein 1; BMP-7.