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Recombinant EG-VEGF (OPSD00006)

Recombinant EG-VEGF (OPSD00006)

Supplier: Aviva Systems Biology Incorporated
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Endocrine Gland-derived Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (EG-VEGF) is an angiogenic growth factor specifically expressed in the ovaries, testis, adrenal and placental tissues. The identification of tissue-selective angiogenic factors raises the possibility that other secreted molecules in this class exist. EG-VEGF expression correlates with vascularity in polycystic ovary syndrome, a leading cause of infertility. Recombinant EG-VEGF is a non-glycosylated Protein, containing 86 amino acids, with a molecular weight of 9.6 kDa
Presku: OPSD00006
Size: 5 ug